Post Internship Reflections

By Ava Chiovatero

(Quick editor’s note from Colleen: I had the opportunity to work closely with and manage Ava this summer, and it was truly such a gift. She is a wonderful human, and she is going to make an incredible therapist in the future. The sharing of this blog post is a little late, and the content is still valuable regardless!)

Hey all! Ava here.

As the summer comes to a close I have been reflecting on my truly incredible and impactful experience interning at The Gaia Center. I wanted to share some of my biggest takeaways from this experience with you all. This is by no means an all-inclusive list of the things I have learned–that list would be too long! I learned as much about work-life as a whole as I did specific education-related things; this may serve as a potential reflection for your own life and relationship to your work, or it can simply be insight into what I have gotten from my experience working here.

1. Importance of healthy boundaries

Through working at The Gaia Center, I witnessed firsthand the importance of establishing healthy boundaries that make you comfortable and allow your needs to be met. This may look like taking a mental health day, prioritizing rest when accessible, silencing your email after a certain time–whatever it may be for you. For me, I have seen the power that setting boundaries has in my ability to show up more present and engaged, resulting in having more satisfying and impactful experiences in the workplace.

2. Work should be enjoyable and fun

The Gaia Center served as such a warm environment for me to feel comfortable and excited to come to work each day, making my experience a positive one. Fun was introduced wherever possible and it truly made an impact on how I showed up and experienced this internship.

I want to acknowledge the privilege that this entails; not everyone is able to access a fun work environment or preferred jobs. In such a case, I invite you to ask yourself if there is anywhere that ease or fun can be introduced into your workplace to make it more enjoyable. Perhaps that looks like talking to other staff members or bringing a fun lunch for break–even the small things may open the door to more fulfilling experiences.

3. Support system = key

The power that support and holding space has on employees is profound and allows work to be more than a job. The Gaia Center staff valued collaboration, sharing feelings, and listening to each other, all of which made me feel valued and appreciated.

4. Education related things/books/takeaways

Last but certainly not least, I learned an incredible amount of education-related things–from how insurance works to medical complications of eating disorders to examples of somatic exercises; I truly learned so much. This internship allowed me to explore a wide-range of topics that solidified my interest in this field and my desire to be a therapist–a very exciting personal reassurance to say the least:)

As my internship wraps up, I would be lying in saying I knew what was next, AND I am a big believer in leaning into the unknown and seeing what shows up. I have found that the unknown opens up the possibility for, you guessed it, possibility! along with choice, freedom, excitement. As one door closes, another one opens, and I am ready to see what that door may be. Cheers to leaning in!