3 Tips to Ensure a Self-Care Conscious Semester

By Becca Lappi

The start of a fresh semester is known to be a whirlwind few weeks, both leading up to and settling into your new normal for the next four months. Regardless of the emotions this may be bringing up, it is a crucial time to be implementing self-care techniques to ensure you start off the semester right.

Here are 3 tips to ensure a self-care conscious semester:

1. Develop a healthy routine

Creating a well-structured daily routine will do wonders in increasing your well-being! Routines can help ensure regular sleep patterns and meal times, as well as creating built-in time for other important daily activities, such as studying and relaxation. More often than not, creating these routines will help to keep you on track and organized in a multitude of aspects of your life. These can look different for everyone, so it’s important to create an individual routine that works best for you and your personal goals! 

2. Get connected

Connecting with others is crucial for maintaining your mental health throughout the semester in a plethora of ways. Whether this looks like seeking out on-campus groups and organizations to find like-minded people, connecting with new classmates, or even building relationships with professors and other faculty, having individuals around to lean on in times of need will help you navigate this semester with ease. 

3. Practice self-compassion

College can be both incredibly exciting and overwhelming, and it’s important that you treat yourself with kindness and understanding as you navigate the semester ahead. Remind yourself that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, make mistakes, and ask for help when needed. Try meditation practices like this in times where self-compassion is needed!